We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weekly Devotion: October 25th, 2011

Time for our devotional thought for the week: remembering our Baptism.

Martin Luther was a huge proponent of Baptismal remembrance because of all the important things Baptism does.  Baptism washes us clean, like an eternal fountain.  Whenever sin, our own or the world's, blankets us the waters of Baptism sweep it away and make us new again.  Because of Baptism we can hear the words "you are forgiven" on Sunday and be sure that they are true.  Being washed clean also makes us fit for God's family and eternal life.  Nothing impure may rightfully stand before God nor live forever.  We cannot make ourselves pure or perfect by our own power or effort.  Baptism's cleansing power allows God to see us as his beautiful, shining saints instead of our old, disobedient selves.  And speaking of old selves, whenever that old nature threatens to arise and take us over Baptism drowns it.  Baptism is a little like the cross in that way, putting to death our sin and the part of us that would cling to it, robbing evil of its power.  We emerge from Baptismal water as a new creation, living a new life.

Although Baptism itself happens in an instant its effects remain for a lifetime...an eternal lifetime.  Being continually dunked in water day after day would get annoying so God spares us the physical splashing.  But the washing, the dying and rising, the embrace into family all happen continuously.  Each moment we are made new by our loving, gracious God.

One of the convenient things about Baptism happening through water is the ample supply of reminders.  We don't go a single day without interacting with water...usually multiple times.  Take water in your daily life as a reminder of all the good things God has done for you through Baptism.  When you shower in the morning remember you are cleansed and made new this day.  Drink in God's grace when you see water in your glass.  Let rain remind you of God's nourishment for the whole world.  Or if you're having a bad day, let rain remind you that nothing evil will stand before God, that his power will overcome any darkness and stretch across the whole world like the rain stretches across the sky.  Washing your hands, preparing pasta, crossing a river, brushing your teeth...all of these and more can remind us of God's Baptismal gifts.

Remember your Baptism this week.  Remember how tenderly God cradled you in his arms through it and how insistent he is every day in keeping his promises to you.  Give thanks and shape your life around the message God is sending you in every drop.

--Pastor Dave (pastordave@geneseelutheranparish.org)