We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Soul Talk

An interesting phenomenon is growing at Genesee Lutheran Parish.  First of all, there's something going on at church nearly every night of the week now.  That's not the remarkable part.  The real eye-opener is that even after all these events, people are staying after to talk together, work together, be together.  Our formal activities are only the beginning.  Half an hour, sometimes an hour or more, after they're finished you can walk in and still find people sharing stories, ideas, and often laughter.  It's completely unscripted and completely Spirit-filled.

The lessons we learn, scriptures we study, meetings we plan for and participate in are the root of this phenomenon.  Coming together in God's name grounds us and brings us together in a way that nothing else can.  It binds us with ties that transcend all other commonalities or differences.  It also allows us to trust one another.  That wonderful, impromptu, Spirit-filled discussion is the flower that grows from those roots.  And oh, is it marvelous!

I love that our church is a place where people gather and want to stay.  I love that our church is a place where you can find new friends, forge new bonds, discover that you're never alone but a part of a huge network of caring, supportive, interesting, and downright fun people!

It may seem frivolous at times, but this is deep, deep soul talk...the kind that brings grace and heals the heart of everything the world throws at it.  Every time I have to tear myself away and go home after one of these conversations I'm reminded of God's wonderful way of working.  How blessed we are to have this place and each other!  It's an amazing thing to discover.

--Pastor Dave (pastordave@geneseelutheranparish.org)