We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Lutherhaven Weekend for Everyone!


Lutherhaven is an awesome vacation spot with a lovely, serene location for you!  This summer, instead of traveling to the Oregon Coast to vacation with many of you friends like we did last year, let's go to Lutherhaven for a long weekend!

I'm gathering info about the date, costs, etc., and will let you know SOON!

But, just consider these events:  swimming in a protected area with lifeguards and lots of fun toys (massive BLOB and climb toys), canoeing with friend or riding in the big canoe,  playing volleyball, hiking along the water's edge or up in the hills, eating wonderful and filling food, watching the wildlife nearby, climbing the rock wall, singing around the campfire, and more!

I'll let you know as soon as the date has been approved by Lutherhaven, and I will post all the info!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Church band will accompany highschool girls group Feb. 1st

In two weeks the Sunday service will be led by the highschool girls group. Several songs will be performed by the girls and accompanied by the church band. A flute and clarinet duet will perform Amazing Grace. Dana, the group leader, will give the prayer of the day. Sara will do the readings. Hannah will lead the children's sermon. Tessa is providing gospel news story headlines. Emma is singing a solo. Miranda will give the sermon. All of the girls will put on a flash mob to the song We Shall Overcome. Anna will perform an original song. Don't miss this special service.

Friday, January 23, 2015


We are hoping to start up a choir again. We will start with one Sunday that we will be singing at and see how it goes. Sunday, February 1st we will have a meeting following church with anyone that is interested in joining. Everyone is welcome to join us. Bring with you an idea of songs you might like for us to sing. Mary has agreed to play the keyboard for us but she has asked us not to have anything too complicated to play.
I guarantee we will be done long before the Super Bowl starts.

January Council Minutes

Genesee Lutheran Parish Church Council Minutes
January 10, 2015
In Attendance:
Patrick Adams, Susan Rigg, Courtney Sharnhorst, Jennifer Parkins, Linda Chilson , Dana Carter, Doug Cartwright,  Gayle Rossebo, and Pastor David Deckard

Brent Studer gave a report on the sewer problem at St. John’s:
He had Roach Construction come in and check it out for us. There are roots growing into the pipes in two places. The quote was for a replacement of the pipes with a new material that is supposed to control the growth.  It is $4385.
Jennifer said that Jed Capus referred us to another place and that it might be wise to get a second quote. Everyone agreed that would be a wise business decision.
There is a possibility that we will have a contributor for half the cost.

Financial Report:
Susan did pull $20000 from the mission investment fund.
Dave’s health insurance is going to be requiring him to put $100 in a health savings plan, and it may be a good idea to give him an increase of $1200 a year to help with that cost.
The Christmas Eve offering was around $800 and that will be put into the benevolence account.  It will be discussed at the annual meeting if this is what we would like to do with Easter service offering also, or if we would like to do something else with it.

Pastors report:
Anderson’s have giving us a donation of garbanzo beans at PNW, which could either be used as a donation to the food bank or to put into the benevolence fund also. Linda will write a thank you letter to them.
Pastor Dave will be gone January 27th through February 3rd, Dana and the youth girls will doing leadership at services and Patrick will be taking care of the music.

Patrick had a sample of the new directory, which will be distributed shortly. It will continue to be updated as we get new people.

Sunday School report:
Christmas program was very nice this year.  Kacey is doing a wonderful job of giving us direction this year and we appreciate her leadership.
In helping with the annual meeting and our message we are asking the teachers to ask the children and adults: What fires you up about this church?  Pastor Dave is also going to include a page in the bulletin asking the congregation the same thing.

The rest of the meeting was devoted to discussion on what we want to present at the Annual Meeting.  Our main message will be Finding Your Passion.
Jennifer will be presenting the changes we would like to make to the by-laws, the amount of members we need to have on the council and the number of meetings we need to have each year.
Susan’s new role will be introduced and we will have vote on new council members and new treasurer.
We will have committee reports
Discuss how we would like to use the Easter offering.
Financial report will be given.
The end will be what we hope to focus on this next year. Commitment to our mission not just paying the bills and what we need to do to be able to continue this mission.