This coming Sunday is our Pledge Sunday. We can be sure about what we choose to give by considering God's direction of the First Fruits. I found scripture that seems to give clear directions of how much to give, the first 10% of what you make. I found other scripture that explains more about how you give sacrificially - to the point of hardship, putting your family at risk (you don't choose between giving to God and feeding your family).
The constant (message) was that we first give to God and then to the poor. We give to him first because that is generally the best of what we have. Then we give to the poor before we look at what we have for ourselves. God wants us to wait to look at what we have left for our personal needs and wants so we can prioritize what we invest in (that being community, our children, our values, all before possessions).
It isn't always comfortable, but we can strengthen each other through sacificial giving. Many people here have done this regularly. Our money is not our own, we would have nothing without God.
Our giving is our active way to thank God for the sacrificies of his son and show you are following Christ.
- Jennifer
We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
GLP Council Meeting Minutes - Oct. 13, 2015
Genesee Lutheran Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Oct. 13, 2015
Jennifer Parkins, Courtney Scharnhorst, Alice Bevans, Patrick Adams, Dana Carter, Pastor Dave Deckard
Guest-Katie from Family Promise
Meeting called to order by Jennifer at 7:03
Devotion by Dana, Amy will do in November
Review of minutes, change wording from Pledge Drive to Pledge and Offering Amount, also Amy may not be liaison for Evangelism as that is still being determined how it is being done.
Katie from Family Promise explained the group’s mission as it’s a shelter. It is comprised of interfaith hospitality and made up of various churches in the area. A host church provides rides, dinner host, evening host and overnight host for an 11 week rotation. Twenty-nine families have been served in the Moscow-Pullman area. She asked that we consider being a partner for a hosting church rather than a host. Jennifer said we would look over the information and get back to her. Dave suggested the possibility of partnering with the community church and St. Mary’s church.
Jennifer said three of the women who attended the Catholic conference in Philadelphia while the Pope was here would like to share the message with our congregation. She suggest that would be a good time to talk with them about Family Promise also.
Jennifer reported on bible request from Kaycee Gregory. She has looked into the cost and found a good deal online for a Lutheran based bible. Pastor Dave said the money is already there. Jennifer will ask Kaycee how many she needs.
Pastor’s report:
Lots of events scheduled. Need more people to sign up to help. Marie Linchan is helping generate excitement within the business community. Creating a great feeling of renewal.
New members classes, All-saints Sunday and Reformation Sunday are all coming up. Fall Festival is coming up, Christmas wrapping event when and where it needs to be publicized.
Lots happening in general with youth, Sunday School and confirmation.
Treasurer’s Financial Report:
Patrick handed out and reviewed income/expense year-to-date report.
E-bay store is up and running, Susan Riggs and Steve Edwards are running this. Amy requested a printout of what has been sold and for how much made to generate excitement. Patrick is seeing an increase in giving. Increased awareness of our financial status is likely the reason.
Executive Committee report:
Jennifer reported we will be ready to offer and contingency plan soon and still reviewing options
More people will be giving testimonies. Discussion on the feeling of prior testimony given by Linda as well as Jennifer’s talk about security. Keep inviting people to church.
Alice’s Christmas Party.
Dana brought up Christmas for Kids and how we want to do it this year. Patrick made a motion to sponsor one family (or three children), Courtney seconded, motion passed.
Patrick asked to form a nominating committee for new council president, since Jennifer’s term is up in January. Discussion followed. Start getting suggestions for people willing to serve on the nominating committee, it was suggested that we have three people. Alice and Dana volunteered to serve.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
GLP Council Meeting Minutes 9/8/15
Genesee Lutheran Parish Council Meeting
September 8, 2015 (updated by Patrick Adams 10/14/15)
Patrick Adams, Dana Carter, Amy Peterson, Alice Bevans, Linda Chilson, David Deckard, Jennifer Parkins
Called to order at 7:02
Jennifer gave devotion, Matthew 14:19
Dana will do it in October
Kaycee Gregory wrote a letter requesting bibles for children’s ministry. We discussed and decided we needed a little more information, approximate number and which bible would be most useful. There is $500 already in the budget that she can use to get the bibles.
We also received a letter requesting a lock for the Valley church because they felt some things have been stolen. After some discussion it was decided Jennifer would let them know that nothing was stolen so for now no action is required.
There has been some miscommunication on things that have been going on with the church. It was decided we needed a liaison for six committees. It will be the job of the liaison to report back to the council monthly.
1. Buildings and grounds-Patrick
2. Education-Linda
4. Activities-Amy
5. Evangelism-Amy
6. Financial-Jennifer
Pastor’s Report:
Sunday school breakfast will be this next Sunday, September 12.
Financial Report:
Patrick gave a handout showing financial report.
Executive Committee Report:
The Executive Committee consists of Jennifer Parkins, Patrick Adams, Linda Chilson and Pastor Dave.
The Executive Committee met several times this summer and have discussed recommendations for how we need to deal our financial situation. Which is basically we are running out of money and not getting enough coming in from offering to continue much beyond the first of the year.
The recommendation by the committee is that we ask congregation to pledge. Our hope is to find what people are willing to give for the year. After that we will come up with contingency plans if people are not willing to commit to enough for the church to continue as we are at this point. The Executive Committee will continue to meet to discuss contingency plans and bring them back recommendations to the council.
The Executive Committee needs approval to move forward with the motion. Alice Bevans moved to approve the motion. Dana Carter seconded. Motion carried.
Alice Bevans moved that the Executive Committee start searching recommendations for a contingency plan. Amy Peterson seconded. Motion carried.
Jennifer Parkins moved to accept the minutes from May 12, 2015 meeting. Alice Bevans seconded. Motion carried
Patrick asked that we develop a Financial Committee to help him with offering counting and record keeping. This will bring us more in line with ELCA guidelines.
Patrick asks to have two council members in the capacity of Treasurer Assistants. Alice Bevans and Dana Carter said they are willing to do that.
Amy brought up that we need to offer both grape juice wine during communion. There is also is a need for more bodies to do communion set-up.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Security and Giving
I just want to talk for a moment about security and how this fits into focus on giving.
We each derive our personal sense of security from many things in our lives. Children generally see security in their parents and family. To them, consistency, and love are non-negotiable and necessary. As we acquire a bit more independence as young adults, our security sometimes comes more from our own internal spirit and confidence. There is empowerment in knowing we can make decisions and physically conquer any obstacle! We seem invincible! When we are responsible for our own children (sometimes while also assisting aging parents), we rely more on our ability to provide, our relationships, health care, and typically saving for the future. Then, as everyone is grown and out of the house, we hope we have saved enough, stay in good health, and continue to enjoy the life we have built.
Through all our life phases, we seek ways to feel secure and loved. In this church, we have developed a profound sense of security in each other. Like a great net, we have found ways to hold each other together spiritually, growing closer in our relationships with one another, emotionally, recreationally, and theologically.
There has been a great gift given to us as a congregation from the members who gave to this church before us. Their financial gifts allowed us to grow our ministry of giving. This now should be our legacy to the children in our ministry, the community of Genesee that benefits from our ministry, and to each other, so that we can be here in the same way, secure and provided for, able to share the Good News without worry and fear.
I love our faith family and enjoy being in our home together, worshiping, learning, praising. I want to see you next week. I want to see you next month…and for many years to come.
I will wrap this up with Proverbs 11:24, 25:
24 One man gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty,
25 A generous man will prosper;
he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Jennifer Parkins
Friday, October 2, 2015
3rd Quarter Income and Expense Report Available
The 3rd quarter 2015 income and expense report is now available. Please contact me if you would like a copy.
This quarter our income was greater than our expenses. Wouldn't it be great if we can continue this trend?
During the month of September we have begun taking an offering during Sunday school. We are hoping this practice will help teach our young people what it means to offer their money to the church.
This quarter our income was greater than our expenses. Wouldn't it be great if we can continue this trend?
During the month of September we have begun taking an offering during Sunday school. We are hoping this practice will help teach our young people what it means to offer their money to the church.
I have started working on next year's budget. I know a lot of you donate supplies to the church's Sunday School. Please give me a receipt for these purchases so I can create a more accurate budget. Your donations will also appear on your offering report at the end of the year. This information can be used to reduce your taxable income.
If you would like to receive a year-to-date income and expense report just let me know. If you have any questions about this report please give me a call or send me an email.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
What Offering Means To Me
Before coming to this church I really did not understand what the offering was for. I guess in some ways I never thought of it; plus no church I have ever gone to before talked about finances and budget with the whole congregation. As many of you know my early church training was in the LDS church where all adults give 10% of the earnings that is just understood. They are trained from birth practically that you are to give 10% to the church. If you don’t give you are called in to talk to the Bishop and you are banned from going to the temple and some other things until you get caught up. But it is never talked about where that money goes and what it is for.
I later attended both the Methodist church and Nazarene, there you were not told how much you were to give nor why you gave or what was done with the money. You were just supposed to give.
I now understand more what the offering means. It is our gift to God, our thanks for our lives and the things around us, it is a way for us as a church to continue it’s mission. I think I always understood that much. What I did not really understand was what it takes for an individual church to continue it’s mission. I did not really look at the day to day costs involved in running a church and oh yeah of course the church has bills too like utilities, building maintenance, insurance, paying our minister, organist, janitor and so many other things. It’s not even as simple as just funding a mission it is more and yet as simple as just keeping our church running. I appreciate that when I came here I saw numbers in black and white that explained to me where our money comes from and where it goes.
I guess I always thought if you were Lutheran or LDS or Nazarene or whatever denomination you were with there was some organization that paid for all these things, that the offering went to them and they did with it what they wanted. What an eye opener it was to find out that just isn’t how it is for us and probably most those others, to find out that our offering is what funds “OUR CHUCH” right here in Genesee, that we are what keeps it going. I now look at my offering differently, still as a gift to God but also a way to keep our mission as Christians here in Genesee going.
We are facing some difficult times and asking for each and everyone of us to open our hearts a little more and figure out what this church and its mission means to each of us? What missions are important to us and how do we want to help continue those missions? Over the next few weeks we will be asking ourselves how and what we can do. I hope each of us can find the answers so that we may continue to be here as a family and congregation.
Linda Chilson
I later attended both the Methodist church and Nazarene, there you were not told how much you were to give nor why you gave or what was done with the money. You were just supposed to give.
I now understand more what the offering means. It is our gift to God, our thanks for our lives and the things around us, it is a way for us as a church to continue it’s mission. I think I always understood that much. What I did not really understand was what it takes for an individual church to continue it’s mission. I did not really look at the day to day costs involved in running a church and oh yeah of course the church has bills too like utilities, building maintenance, insurance, paying our minister, organist, janitor and so many other things. It’s not even as simple as just funding a mission it is more and yet as simple as just keeping our church running. I appreciate that when I came here I saw numbers in black and white that explained to me where our money comes from and where it goes.
I guess I always thought if you were Lutheran or LDS or Nazarene or whatever denomination you were with there was some organization that paid for all these things, that the offering went to them and they did with it what they wanted. What an eye opener it was to find out that just isn’t how it is for us and probably most those others, to find out that our offering is what funds “OUR CHUCH” right here in Genesee, that we are what keeps it going. I now look at my offering differently, still as a gift to God but also a way to keep our mission as Christians here in Genesee going.
We are facing some difficult times and asking for each and everyone of us to open our hearts a little more and figure out what this church and its mission means to each of us? What missions are important to us and how do we want to help continue those missions? Over the next few weeks we will be asking ourselves how and what we can do. I hope each of us can find the answers so that we may continue to be here as a family and congregation.
Linda Chilson
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Announcements from the church council
The church council will be generating a lot of information in the next few months. Besides making announcements during a Sunday service, we will post on this blog and send out emails. It is important that we reach as many people as possible.
The church directory is our source for contact information. Please be sure that you are on listed in the directory. You will find hard copies of the directory on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Contact me if you want to be added to the directory.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Parsonage Bathroom Repair Begins Monday, June 8th
Repair work on the parsonage bathroom will start on Monday, June 8th. The plan is to remove water damaged sections of the floor and walls and replace the tub, light fixture, electric wall heater, and ceiling exhaust fan.
The tub will be replaced by a fiberglass tub/shower kit. Wall paneling will be replaced with ceramic tile. Vinyl flooring covering will be used throughout. A curved shower rod will be installed and the toilet float valve and hoses will be replaced.
All of the labor will be provided by volunteers. Jed Kappus, owner of Carlson's Plumbing, has donated his time for the technical aspects of the project. Patrick Adams, church treasurer, is coordinating the project.
Project costs will be determined after the tub and damaged floor and wall sections have been removed. Donations will be used to pay for the materials. A special fund has been created to keep track of the expenses and donations. Reserve funds will be used to cover costs that are not met by donations.
Please contact Patrick Adams if you would like to volunteer your labor and/or make a donation.
The tub will be replaced by a fiberglass tub/shower kit. Wall paneling will be replaced with ceramic tile. Vinyl flooring covering will be used throughout. A curved shower rod will be installed and the toilet float valve and hoses will be replaced.
All of the labor will be provided by volunteers. Jed Kappus, owner of Carlson's Plumbing, has donated his time for the technical aspects of the project. Patrick Adams, church treasurer, is coordinating the project.
Project costs will be determined after the tub and damaged floor and wall sections have been removed. Donations will be used to pay for the materials. A special fund has been created to keep track of the expenses and donations. Reserve funds will be used to cover costs that are not met by donations.
Please contact Patrick Adams if you would like to volunteer your labor and/or make a donation.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Sewer Repair Update
The new sewer line is now in place. Jed removed the old fiber and pitch pipe and replaced it with a 4-inch SDR pipe. He also re-graveled the parking area. The city road will be patched as soon as asphalt becomes available in the next couple of weeks.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Sewer Repair Begins Wednesday
The sewer line repair project will begin on Wednesday, April 1st. A trench will run from the sewer cleanout, located next to the basement door, to the city's sewer main across the street. The goal is to complete the project on Thursday. During this time the restrooms and the kitchen will be closed.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Message from the church council treasurer
Patrick Adams here. I'm your new council treasurer. I've had a couple of months to familiarize myself with the church finances. Our books have been loaded into the latest version of Quicken. I'll use Quicken to track our income and expenses, maintain the budget, generate reports, and reconcile our check book. I've also learned how to use our bank's website for paying bills and making deposits.
Please me know if you would like a copy of the 2015 budget that was passed at the annual meeting.
The 2015 GLP Church Directory is now available. Hard copies will be available in the narthex at St. Johns. Let me know if you would like a .pdf version. If you have any additions or corrections please email them to me.
If you have any questions about the church finances please feel free to send me an email or text message or give me a call. You can also stop by my house but be warned I may put you to work in the garden.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
February 2015 Council Minutes
Genesee Lutheran Parish Council Meeting
February 10, 2015
Courtney Scharnhurst, Amy Peterson, Patrick Adams, Jennifer Parkins,
Linda Chilson and Pastor Dave Deckard
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM
Jennifer did the devotional and Amy Peterson will do the devotional in
Pastor’s Report:
Lent services will start on Wednesday 18th out at the valley and will
be soup meal prior to services.
Holy week starts on March 30th Easter is on April 5th.
Pastor Dave will be gone on Palm Sunday so the congregation will be
handling Palm Sunday Services.
Spring break starts on March 27 with no Sunday School on Easter Sunday.
Pastor Dave would like us to come up with a policy for Funerals, with
him giving an idea of what he would like. We will look over his suggestions and
vote on it during March’s meeting.
Discussion on new council members, Jennifer said that Alice Bevins has
agreed to become the new council member.
Patrick made a motion that Alice be the new council member. Amy
seconded it. Motion carried.
In the future we have a few other members that are interested in
joining the council as positions are open. Carly Stutzman , Steve and Susie
Edwards have all said they would be interested.
Financial Report:
Patrick reported that he has gotten the Quicken program and working
with it now.
He has asked that when counting the offering that he has 2 people count
the money and then hand it to Patrick in an envelope to deposit.
There were three accounts with several names on them and those names
have now been removed with only Jennifer and Patrick remaining on the accounts.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Annual Meeting Minutes
Genesee Lutheran Parish
Annual Meeting
January 18, 2015
Jennifer called the
meeting to order at 11:45
Prayer was led by
Jennifer to get the meeting started.
Committee Reports:
Building and grounds: Doug
gave a report of Building and grounds-It has been an easy year when it came to
maintenance with the Parkin’s taking care of the grounds out at the Valley
church and Pastor Dave taking care of them here in town.
The biggest problem is
going to be the sewer here at St. John’s Doug and Brent did a report on what
that is going to entail. Roaches construction came and cleaned out the pipes
for us and did and estimate on what it is going to cost to fix it. Everyone
agreed that we should get a second bid ad make a decision after that on which
company we will have fix it.
Education: Kaycee
Gregory is heading up Sunday School and doing a very good job.
Activities: Different
activities that we have ongoing are Inspire, Theology on Tap, Bible Study,
Youth group, Young Woman’s group with many other single activities throughout
the year.
Worship: Music-Pastor
Dave comes up with the focus for each Sunday, then Patrick and the other
musicians come up with music according to that focus.
Outreach: Habitat for
Humanities- we have provided lunches and are in the process of gathering
kitchen supplies and other essentials for the new family that is moving into
the home. Verna and Rosanna are helping to put together a couple of quilts
Cemetary: Holly Sampson
has been taking care of the St. John’s cemetery and Dan is not sure she is
going to want to continue so if there is anyone who would be willing to do it,
there is an application process to go through. The Parkin’s family is taking
care of the one out at the Valley church.
By Law Changes:
We would like to change
the by law’s from having to have three quarterly and one annual meeting each
year to just having to have one annual meeting a year and calling special
meetings when necessary.
Gayle Rossebo moved to
change the meeting requirements to only one annual meeting a year. Susan Riggs
Discussion opened, no
one had any discussion. Put to vote and passed unanimously.
The bylaws change
The annual
meeting of the congregation shall be in January between the dates of January 15th
and January 31st.
Quarterly meeting
of the congregation will be help in the months of April and October. (this line
is now being eliminated from the bylaws)
The second change we
would like to make, to change the required number of council members from nine
to seven.
Current reading:
The Church
Council shall consist of nine (9) members elected for a term of three (3) years
but elected in such a manner that after the first election one-third (1/3) are
elected each year, No members shall be eligible for more than two (2)
successive terms in the same elective office.
Proposed change would read: seven (7) members elected
for a term of three (3) years’…and continue as previously written.
Our current council
consists of the following members:
Pastor David Deckard
Jennifer Parkins
Susan Riggs, Treasurer
(term ending this meeting)
Linda Chilson,
Gayle Rossebo, council
member (term ending last year)
Doug Cartwright,
council member (term ending this year)
Patrick Adams, council
member (Term ending this year)
Courtney Scharnhorst,
council member
Amy Peterson, council
Dana Carter, council
Jennifer explained that
we are currently having trouble filling the council with nine members and that
we have four positions that are being vacated this year.
Linda Chilson moved we
change the number of required seat to seven. Tezra Barnes seconded.
Discussion opened with
no discussion, voted and carried unanimously.
From this day forward
we will only be required to seat seven members on the council.
Patrick has offered to
fill the positon of treasurer. Floor opened to others who would like the
position of treasurer.
Verna Studer moved to
name Patrick as the new treasurer and Rosanna Cartwright seconded. Motion
carried unanimously. After this meeting Patrick Adams will be our new treasurer.
Christmas Eve offering
went to the Emergency Fund
Easter offering:
Suggestions for offering benevolence:
Lutherhaven, Emergency
Fund, Lutherhaven Scholarship, Alternative’s to Violence, and University of
Idaho Campus Ministries.
Verna Studer moved to
give the Easter offering to these five projects.
Marilyn seconded
Opened to discussion,
no discussion.
Motion carried
Pastor’s Report:
Talked about the BINGO
card we did in church was to show what all we have been doing and how so many
people have been involved, and how our passion (the whole congregation) brings
it together with our passion. We just need to keep this passion going and keep
furthering our mission.
Financial: Funding our
Susan Rigg’s presented
this past years financial report and this next year’s proposed budget.
We were $24001.08 short
this past year so we are taking some out of savings to cover this amount. That
will leave us with $24000 in savings. We
have 41 households with 84 members, if 30 families could increase offering by
$67 per month we could be break even.
Pastor Dave’s medical
insurance is requiring him to put $214 a month into a Medical savings plan.
This will come directly out of his pocket. Susan purposed that we increase his
pay by this amount each month to help cover the cost.
Tezra Barnes moved that
we approve the budget with the increase to Pastor Dave’s salary of $2568
annually be included in it.
Dana Carter seconded.
Opened to discussion it no discussion
Motion carried
The BIG PICTURE is that we need to come up
with some better ways to fulfill our mission and not just pay our bills.
Susan Riggs has
volunteered to fill a new position as Fund Raising Coordinator. There are three
projects already in the works for this coming year.
Some future projects
An Appeal Letter to the
Bake Sale at Easter
Garage Sale in August
Any and all suggestions
are welcome and open to consideration.
Meeting adjourned with
the Lord’s Prayer
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Church Directory To Be Published Next Week
The new church directory will be published next week. If you would like to be included in this release of the directory please fill out a page in the spiral notebook found in the pew.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Valley Church Work Party
It's time to prepare the valley church for the Wednesday services during the season of Lent. There will be a short work party beginning at 9 am on Monday, Feb. 16th. The goal is to clean up the sidewalk and entrances to the church and vacuum the carpets. It should only take an hour or so to get everything ship-shape.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Lutherhaven: Cut, Crop, and Quilt
Several of us members are attending the Lutherhaven Cut, Crop, and Quilt March 12, 13, 14, and 15! We all have hobbies which we'll enjoy: some will scrapbook or work with mixed media; others will knit, crochet, or sew. I may even read! If any of you are interested in joining us, please contact Rosanna or Careen! We'd love to have you join us!
Monday, January 26, 2015
Lutherhaven Weekend for Everyone!
Lutherhaven is an awesome vacation spot with a lovely, serene location for you! This summer, instead of traveling to the Oregon Coast to vacation with many of you friends like we did last year, let's go to Lutherhaven for a long weekend!
I'm gathering info about the date, costs, etc., and will let you know SOON!
But, just consider these events: swimming in a protected area with lifeguards and lots of fun toys (massive BLOB and climb toys), canoeing with friend or riding in the big canoe, playing volleyball, hiking along the water's edge or up in the hills, eating wonderful and filling food, watching the wildlife nearby, climbing the rock wall, singing around the campfire, and more!
I'll let you know as soon as the date has been approved by Lutherhaven, and I will post all the info!
Lutherhaven is an awesome vacation spot with a lovely, serene location for you! This summer, instead of traveling to the Oregon Coast to vacation with many of you friends like we did last year, let's go to Lutherhaven for a long weekend!
I'm gathering info about the date, costs, etc., and will let you know SOON!
But, just consider these events: swimming in a protected area with lifeguards and lots of fun toys (massive BLOB and climb toys), canoeing with friend or riding in the big canoe, playing volleyball, hiking along the water's edge or up in the hills, eating wonderful and filling food, watching the wildlife nearby, climbing the rock wall, singing around the campfire, and more!
I'll let you know as soon as the date has been approved by Lutherhaven, and I will post all the info!
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Church band will accompany highschool girls group Feb. 1st
In two weeks the Sunday service will be led by the highschool girls group. Several songs will be performed by the girls and accompanied by the church band. A flute and clarinet duet will perform Amazing Grace. Dana, the group leader, will give the prayer of the day. Sara will do the readings. Hannah will lead the children's sermon. Tessa is providing gospel news story headlines. Emma is singing a solo. Miranda will give the sermon. All of the girls will put on a flash mob to the song We Shall Overcome. Anna will perform an original song. Don't miss this special service.
Friday, January 23, 2015
We are hoping to start up a choir again. We will start with one Sunday that we will be singing at and see how it goes. Sunday, February 1st we will have a meeting following church with anyone that is interested in joining. Everyone is welcome to join us. Bring with you an idea of songs you might like for us to sing. Mary has agreed to play the keyboard for us but she has asked us not to have anything too complicated to play.
I guarantee we will be done long before the Super Bowl starts.
I guarantee we will be done long before the Super Bowl starts.
January Council Minutes
Genesee Lutheran Parish Church Council Minutes
January 10, 2015
In Attendance:
Patrick Adams, Susan Rigg, Courtney Sharnhorst, Jennifer Parkins, Linda
Chilson , Dana Carter, Doug Cartwright,
Gayle Rossebo, and Pastor David Deckard
Brent Studer gave a report on the sewer problem at St. John’s:
He had Roach Construction come in and check it out for us. There are
roots growing into the pipes in two places. The quote was for a replacement of
the pipes with a new material that is supposed to control the growth. It is $4385.
Jennifer said that Jed Capus referred us to another place and that it
might be wise to get a second quote. Everyone agreed that would be a wise
business decision.
There is a possibility that we will have a contributor for half the
Financial Report:
Susan did pull $20000 from the mission investment fund.
Dave’s health insurance is going to be requiring him to put $100 in a
health savings plan, and it may be a good idea to give him an increase of $1200
a year to help with that cost.
The Christmas Eve offering was around $800 and that will be put into
the benevolence account. It will be
discussed at the annual meeting if this is what we would like to do with Easter
service offering also, or if we would like to do something else with it.
Pastors report:
Anderson’s have giving us a donation of garbanzo beans at PNW, which
could either be used as a donation to the food bank or to put into the
benevolence fund also. Linda will write a thank you letter to them.
Pastor Dave will be gone January 27th through February 3rd,
Dana and the youth girls will doing leadership at services and Patrick will be
taking care of the music.
Patrick had a sample of the new directory, which will be distributed
shortly. It will continue to be updated as we get new people.
Sunday School report:
Christmas program was very nice this year. Kacey is doing a wonderful job of giving us
direction this year and we appreciate her leadership.
In helping with the annual meeting and our message we are asking the teachers
to ask the children and adults: What fires you up about this church? Pastor Dave is also going to include a page
in the bulletin asking the congregation the same thing.
The rest of the meeting was devoted to discussion on what we want to
present at the Annual Meeting. Our main
message will be Finding Your Passion.
Jennifer will be presenting the changes we would like to make to the
by-laws, the amount of members we need to have on the council and the number of
meetings we need to have each year.
Susan’s new role will be introduced and we will have vote on new
council members and new treasurer.
We will have committee reports
Discuss how we would like to use the Easter offering.
Financial report will be given.
The end will be what we hope to focus on this next year. Commitment to
our mission not just paying the bills and what we need to do to be able to
continue this mission.
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