We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Annual Meeting Minutes

Genesee Lutheran Parish
Annual Meeting
January 18, 2015

Jennifer called the meeting to order at 11:45
Prayer was led by Jennifer to get the meeting started.

Committee Reports:
Building and grounds: Doug gave a report of Building and grounds-It has been an easy year when it came to maintenance with the Parkin’s taking care of the grounds out at the Valley church and Pastor Dave taking care of them here in town.
The biggest problem is going to be the sewer here at St. John’s Doug and Brent did a report on what that is going to entail. Roaches construction came and cleaned out the pipes for us and did and estimate on what it is going to cost to fix it. Everyone agreed that we should get a second bid ad make a decision after that on which company we will have fix it.
Education: Kaycee Gregory is heading up Sunday School and doing a very good job.
Activities: Different activities that we have ongoing are Inspire, Theology on Tap, Bible Study, Youth group, Young Woman’s group with many other single activities throughout the year.
Worship: Music-Pastor Dave comes up with the focus for each Sunday, then Patrick and the other musicians come up with music according to that focus.
Outreach: Habitat for Humanities- we have provided lunches and are in the process of gathering kitchen supplies and other essentials for the new family that is moving into the home. Verna and Rosanna are helping to put together a couple of quilts aslo.
Cemetary: Holly Sampson has been taking care of the St. John’s cemetery and Dan is not sure she is going to want to continue so if there is anyone who would be willing to do it, there is an application process to go through. The Parkin’s family is taking care of the one out at the Valley church.

By Law Changes:
We would like to change the by law’s from having to have three quarterly and one annual meeting each year to just having to have one annual meeting a year and calling special meetings when necessary.
Gayle Rossebo moved to change the meeting requirements to only one annual meeting a year. Susan Riggs seconded.
Discussion opened, no one had any discussion. Put to vote and passed unanimously.
The bylaws change
a.      The annual meeting of the congregation shall be in January between the dates of January 15th and January 31st.
b.      Quarterly meeting of the congregation will be help in the months of April and October. (this line is now being eliminated from the bylaws)

The second change we would like to make, to change the required number of council members from nine to seven.
Current reading:
1.      The Church Council shall consist of nine (9) members elected for a term of three (3) years but elected in such a manner that after the first election one-third (1/3) are elected each year, No members shall be eligible for more than two (2) successive terms in the same elective office.
Proposed change would read: seven (7) members elected for a term of three (3) years’…and continue as previously written.
Our current council consists of the following members:
Pastor David Deckard
Jennifer Parkins (Chair)
Susan Riggs, Treasurer (term ending this meeting)
Linda Chilson, Secretary
Gayle Rossebo, council member (term ending last year)
Doug Cartwright, council member (term ending this year)
Patrick Adams, council member (Term ending this year)
Courtney Scharnhorst, council member
Amy Peterson, council member
Dana Carter, council member
Jennifer explained that we are currently having trouble filling the council with nine members and that we have four positions that are being vacated this year.
Linda Chilson moved we change the number of required seat to seven. Tezra Barnes seconded.
Discussion opened with no discussion, voted and carried unanimously.
From this day forward we will only be required to seat seven members on the council.
Patrick has offered to fill the positon of treasurer. Floor opened to others who would like the position of treasurer.
Verna Studer moved to name Patrick as the new treasurer and Rosanna Cartwright seconded. Motion carried unanimously. After this meeting Patrick Adams will be our new treasurer.

Christmas Eve offering went to the Emergency Fund
Easter offering: Suggestions for offering benevolence:
Lutherhaven, Emergency Fund, Lutherhaven Scholarship, Alternative’s to Violence, and University of Idaho Campus Ministries.
Verna Studer moved to give the Easter offering to these five projects.
Marilyn seconded
Opened to discussion, no discussion.
Motion carried unanimously

Pastor’s Report:
Talked about the BINGO card we did in church was to show what all we have been doing and how so many people have been involved, and how our passion (the whole congregation) brings it together with our passion. We just need to keep this passion going and keep furthering our mission.


Financial: Funding our mission
Susan Rigg’s presented this past years financial report and this next year’s proposed budget.
We were $24001.08 short this past year so we are taking some out of savings to cover this amount. That will leave us with $24000 in savings.  We have 41 households with 84 members, if 30 families could increase offering by $67 per month we could be break even.
Pastor Dave’s medical insurance is requiring him to put $214 a month into a Medical savings plan. This will come directly out of his pocket. Susan purposed that we increase his pay by this amount each month to help cover the cost.
Tezra Barnes moved that we approve the budget with the increase to Pastor Dave’s salary of $2568 annually be included in it.
Dana Carter seconded. Opened to discussion it no discussion
Motion carried unanimously

The BIG PICTURE is that we need to come up with some better ways to fulfill our mission and not just pay our bills. 
Susan Riggs has volunteered to fill a new position as Fund Raising Coordinator. There are three projects already in the works for this coming year.
Some future projects are:
An Appeal Letter to the Community
Bake Sale at Easter
Garage Sale in August
Any and all suggestions are welcome and open to consideration.

Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer

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