Genesee Lutheran Parish Council Meeting
September 8, 2015 (updated by Patrick Adams 10/14/15)
Patrick Adams, Dana Carter, Amy Peterson, Alice Bevans, Linda Chilson, David Deckard, Jennifer Parkins
Called to order at 7:02
Jennifer gave devotion, Matthew 14:19
Dana will do it in October
Kaycee Gregory wrote a letter requesting bibles for children’s ministry. We discussed and decided we needed a little more information, approximate number and which bible would be most useful. There is $500 already in the budget that she can use to get the bibles.
We also received a letter requesting a lock for the Valley church because they felt some things have been stolen. After some discussion it was decided Jennifer would let them know that nothing was stolen so for now no action is required.
There has been some miscommunication on things that have been going on with the church. It was decided we needed a liaison for six committees. It will be the job of the liaison to report back to the council monthly.
1. Buildings and grounds-Patrick
2. Education-Linda
4. Activities-Amy
5. Evangelism-Amy
6. Financial-Jennifer
Pastor’s Report:
Sunday school breakfast will be this next Sunday, September 12.
Financial Report:
Patrick gave a handout showing financial report.
Executive Committee Report:
The Executive Committee consists of Jennifer Parkins, Patrick Adams, Linda Chilson and Pastor Dave.
The Executive Committee met several times this summer and have discussed recommendations for how we need to deal our financial situation. Which is basically we are running out of money and not getting enough coming in from offering to continue much beyond the first of the year.
The recommendation by the committee is that we ask congregation to pledge. Our hope is to find what people are willing to give for the year. After that we will come up with contingency plans if people are not willing to commit to enough for the church to continue as we are at this point. The Executive Committee will continue to meet to discuss contingency plans and bring them back recommendations to the council.
The Executive Committee needs approval to move forward with the motion. Alice Bevans moved to approve the motion. Dana Carter seconded. Motion carried.
Alice Bevans moved that the Executive Committee start searching recommendations for a contingency plan. Amy Peterson seconded. Motion carried.
Jennifer Parkins moved to accept the minutes from May 12, 2015 meeting. Alice Bevans seconded. Motion carried
Patrick asked that we develop a Financial Committee to help him with offering counting and record keeping. This will bring us more in line with ELCA guidelines.
Patrick asks to have two council members in the capacity of Treasurer Assistants. Alice Bevans and Dana Carter said they are willing to do that.
Amy brought up that we need to offer both grape juice wine during communion. There is also is a need for more bodies to do communion set-up.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45