We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Annual Church Meeting Minutes Jan. 27, 2013

Genesee Lutheran Church Council
Minutes for January 27, 2013 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Jennifer Parkins, followed by the singing of the Doxology. Jennifer then read the minutes from last year’s annual meeting.

Committee Reports:

Education Committee:
Dana Carter: The Sunday School Christmas program was wonderful, and she thanked Patrick Adams for providing help with the music. She explained that the leaves on the construction paper tree in the fellowship hall were to represent Sunday School attendance. The Sunday School teachers are currently working on the upcoming Easter program, as well as thinking ahead to Vacation Bible School in June. The hope is to have another church in town step up to lead that program this year, although there will still be a need for volunteers and donated snacks from our church members.

Worship Committee:
Jennifer Parkins: Phyllis Kanikkeberg would like to step down as chair of this committee. She suggests that anyone who is interested in this position talk to her, Pastor Dave or Phyllis about what this would entail. Also, another person is needed for the Lent planning committee.

Buildings & Grounds Committee:
Jennifer Parkins: Due to recent improvements, electrical efficiency has improved and utility bills have been lower. Doug Cartwright reported that the front steps of St. John’s will need to be redone. He will be researching a more concrete-friendly method of de-icing as well.

New Business:
Council positions: Shelley Renton is stepping down from her council position, Courtney Scharnhorst and Jennifer Parkin’s terms are up. They are both willing to continue their positions for another term. With no other nominations made, it was moved by Rosanna Cartwright that Amy Peterson complete Shelley’s term (one more year), with Linda Chilson joining the council to complete Amy’s position as secretary (one more year), and Courtney and Jennifer re-elected for another term in their current positions. The motion was seconded by Randi Adams. The motion passed unanimously.

Jennifer Parkins: The Christmas Eve benevolence offering was donated to the Sandy Hook, CT PTO following the school’s recent tragedy.

Patrick Adams: Encouraged comments on the church’s online blog, which is no longer being moderated. Anyone can post a comment, even anonymously, if desired. Also, Patrick will set up a PayPal system for members to make donations online rather than writing a check. Beginning Tuesday, January 29th Patrick will be in the chapel from 7 – 8:30 p.m. for anyone wishing to join him in working on their musical skills. This is not a rehearsal for Sunday, rather, it is meant to be a time to get together and enjoy playing music. He is willing to do this on a different week night if it works out better for others.

Old Business:

Financial Report:
Susan: Provided a budget handout. We have met all financial obligations to date. Discussion followed about ways we could make up our deficit (example: if 12 families gave $44 more per week). The point was made that we can sacrifice a bit more, because Pastor Dave and his family do make the sacrifice for the good of the church by his declining a raise again this year, and also by not taking his budgeted auto expense reimbursement, and by paying for extras for the youth out of his own pocket.

Pastor Dave: We currently have about 60 families who are members of the church that attend on a regular basis, with about 20-30 more who attend less regularly.

Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Dave played a video that he made entitled “The Importance of a VISION”.  He says that other than financially, the church “is in a really good place especially in the past 3-4 years”. Great energy has been built up, and now it needs a vision. Vision looks forward and outward, not backward and inward.

A good vision:
1) Meets needs
2) Serves the community
3) Defines and grows us

Three things people look for in a church:
1) Good music (We have had a ‘musical revolution’ in the past year!)
2) Good with kids
3) Giving/receiving help

The video showed a small representation of Genesee youth who happened to be present during the filming of the video, although there are many more than those 17 shown in the video – all are welcome. They come to the church/parsonage to enjoy snacks, get support, have fun, and learn who God is by feeling welcome, while in a safe environment. Currently, and up until now, they meet at the Pastor’s home. He said he gets calls and texts daily from the kids and that they are always welcome.

Issues with this have become:
1) Lack of space which means being forced to limit the number of people invited to an event.
2) Youth events in the Pastor’s home interfere with his family. It creates a stressful feeling for Pastor Dave when he has to ask Careen and their own children to find another place to go during these events.
3) The Pastor cannot keep “spinning gold out of straw”. He needs more help to serve the youth.

We’ve been built up for a reason:


The parsonage becomes a multi-purpose center. Pastor Dave and his family would move to a different home.

  Step 1: Address the deficit
  Step 2: Prepare finances
  Step 3: Renovate the parsonage and enjoy

Stewardship will be the focus this coming year.

The meeting was concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.

We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord. – Mission statement: Genesee Lutheran Church

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