We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.

Monday, July 2, 2012

2012-13 Events

Is it too soon to start thinking about fall?

Summer has barely started--at least if you measure by decent weather--but the 2012-13 year will sneak up on us before we even know it.  Planning ahead, here are some of the things I'm excited about.

  • Our final Evangelism Workshop will be critical for those who missed the earlier ones.  Just had to throw that in.
  • A Bible Basics course which will walk people through the ins and outs of the texts that guide us.  Most people have a pretty good idea of the main stories but don't understand how they fit together, how the Bible itself was formed, and what comes before and after.  Having a little basic knowledge about the Bible helps in your reading.
  • A Lutheran Basics course which will do the same for the life and history of Martin Luther and the church his life gave rise to.  Again, most people understand that we do certain things as Lutherans but have no idea why, how, or how all of this got here.  A little knowledge puts everything into perspective and helps us realize which things are critically important and which are convention (or even mistakes sometimes).
  • Faith in Movies...a look at God themes in film, understood by actually watching and discussing movies!
  • Our always-vibrant Women's Bible Study, a new way of doing Sunday morning Adult Study, and the return of Theology on Tap!
Obviously we won't be doing all of these at once.  In fact already we're spanning much of the 2012-13 year.  If you have ideas you'd like to see, let me know so we can try and work them in too.  Either way, make your plans to get in some extra-curricular learning during the year to come!

--Pastor Dave (pastordave@geneseelutheranparish.org)

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