We, the members of the Genesee Lutheran Parish, in receiving God’s gracious gifts, are committed to be living examples of Jesus’ love by strengthening and encouraging each other. We commit to love every person and serve anyone we can through word and deed, following the example of our Lord.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Baking Communion Bread

I'm baking communion bread for tomorrow.   Rosanna shared with me a link to a wonderful video of ELCA Churchwide Ron Glusenkamp, baking communion bread!  He is awesome.


I hope that you enjoy the video!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Prayer Requests

Our Sister Dayle Mundee is in need of prayers. Hospice is now involved. She is still trying to be active when she can. Please keep her in your prayers. 

Norma Spence is also in need of prayers she has been experiencing discomfort from a hernia and is going in next week to schedule surgery to have this taken care of.

Former pastor Grube, Genesee, who designed parsonage has passed away please include his family in your prayers. If you would like to send cards they may be sent to:
Claire and Sally Grube
821 12th Ave North
Edmonds, WA 98020.
There will be a card in the Fellowship Hall of the Valley Church after service this Sunday to sign if you would like to sign that also.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Marilyn Jenkins Burial Service

The family of Marilyn Jenkins would like to invite you to attend a burial service at St. John's Graveyard in Genesee on Saturday, May 12th, at 3 p.m. 
Cookies and coffee will be served afterwards at St. John's Lutheran Church. 

Friday, May 4, 2018

A Look At What is Coming Up!!

Wednesday Morning Bible Study will continue through the summer, it will be moving to the park summer (weather permitting) at 10 am. No Bible Study on May 9th.

Sunday May 6th is our last day at St. John's before moving to the Valley for the summer.
This will be the last day of Sunday School until September.
Six of our young people will be receiving their First Communion:
Shaylyna Watts, Chloe and Miley Greiser, Mikayla Herman, Jackson Stutzman and Evie Ramor.

Sunday May 13th: Service will be moving to the Valley Church services will be at 9 am.
Mother's Day so please remember to celebrate the women in your lives that have help in the role of being your mother.

Pastor Helsing will be gone on May 13th.

Tuesday May 15th at 7 pm Church Council meeting

Sunday May 20th: Pentecostal Sunday

Sunday June 3rd: Last Youth Group activity before summer break, time and activity to be determined.

Saturday June 9th: 11 am our church will participate in the Community Day Parade with a float, the theme is Making a Difference.

Other fun activities planned for the summer (more details to come): 
a Camp out at Lutherhaven in July
Outdoor Movie and bbq

October 19-20th Idaho Discipline Conference at Cathedral of the Rockies in Boise. For more information see flyer on the Fellowship Bulletin Board.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Some photos from Assembly 2018

2018 EWAID Synod Assembly
Rosanna stands behind Bishop Kuempel in the center; I am a couple folks to the right.
Ron G, Churchwide representative, Verna and Rosanna
REV. RONALD T. GLUSENKAMP (Keynote speaker, Q & A with your Churchwide) serves as the Director of ELCA Campaign Always Being Made New. Glusenkamp says, "Our baptismal identity calls us to be claimed, gathered and sent into the world. The (campaign) is a great way to do so much more together for the sake of the world in Jesus' name." Prior to this time, Glusenkamp served as senior pastor of Bethany, the largest congregation in the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod and as vice president of customer outreach at the ELCA Board of Pensions (now Portico Benefit Services). Glusenkamp has also served as pastor at three ELCA congregations across the Midwest. Ordained in 1981, he holds his a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from the former Christ Seminary-Seminex in St. Louis and his B.A. from the former Concordia Senior College in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He was ordained in 1981. Glusenkamp is married to Sue Ann Glusenkamp, a clinical nurse educator. Together they have three adult children.

Bishop K Kuempel with Verna and Rosanna
Verna, Pastor Andy of Bonners Ferry Trinity Lutheran, Rosanna

Rosanna and Verna with huge assembly behind us

Rosanna with  Pastor Kimmie who used to be at Bonners Ferry

Tousled Rosanna and Verna after LONG DAY at Assembly

Palouse Cluster representatives, Rosanna and Verna, top middle

Sandy  and Rosanna
SANDY BRYANT (“Praying Life through the Liturgy” which Rosanna will be reporting on, is the Anchoress at Lake Chelan Lutheran Church. She is a Benedictine Oblate, a woman of prayer and a teacher of prayer. She is also a catechist.  During the entire Assembly, Sandy is in the prayer room praying for all of the people who are attending.  She is WONDERFUL!

Diana becoming a DEACON! with Bishop Kuemple

2018 EWAID Synod Assembly was GREAT!

Pastor Dana, Rosanna, and I will be sharing the different things that we learned last weekend at Synod Assembly over the next few weeks, here and before worship.  Most important is that we connected with people who are eager to support us in our ministry!  Next Sunday, I'll be visiting with the congregation about one of the sessions which I attended!  Can't wait to see you Sunday!